Working together since 2011, The Pew Charitable Trusts and Dona Bertarelli later formalized their partnership, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy, with the shared goal of supporting the creation of the first generation of ecologically significant, large, and effective marine protected areas (MPAs) around the world. The partnership also seeks to establish connections between MPAs to conserve areas and corridors that marine life relies on for breeding and migration, and to help communities strengthen connections to the ecosystems they depend on.
Between them, Pew and Dona Bertarelli have helped to obtain designations or commitments to safeguard more than 13 million square kilometers (5 million square miles) of ocean to date by working with communities, local leaders, philanthropic partners, Indigenous groups, government officials, and scientists.
Notable achievements include the designations of the 720,000-square-kilometer (278,000 square-mile) Rapa Nui Rāhui Multiple Use Coastal Protection Area, the 690,000-square-kilometer (266,000-square-mile) Tristan da Cunha Marine Protection Zone, the 440,000-square-kilometer Ascension Island Marine Protected Area, and completion of the largest debt conversion for ocean conservation to date for the Galápagos Islands.